Zimbra Email Hosting – Can Zimlets Make a Difference in User Experience?
October 8, 2018 at 4:56 pm,
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Zimbra email hosting is available with Zimbra Collaboration Suite or ZCS, which includes a web client as well as an email server. It was back in 2005 when it was developed by LiquidSys. However, the best part about Zimbra is that it has been evolving ever since so that it can provide its customers with the best service. To improve the effectiveness of Zimbra, Zimlets play an important role. A Zimlet is nothing but a code that has been written in the Zimbra application so that it becomes easier for using both the environments of Zimbra Web Client and Zimbra Desktop.
Now, let’s see how essential Zimlets can bring a difference in user experience regarding Zimbra email hosting.
There Are 5 Most Important Zimlets Available And They Are –
1. Attachment Alert –
This Zimlet is definitely a savior. It reminds users about the file they were supposed to attach along with the email but forgot to do so. The concerned Zimlet lets you know about it by sending you an email. This notification helps users by saving them from any kind of inconvenience as well as embarrassment. This notification email is sent to the user even before he/she has hit the send button.
2. Undo Send -
This is yet another useful Zimlet which helps you to abort a mail even after hitting the send button. The Zimlets hold all your emails for around 10 seconds. If you feel that something is not right in the mail or you have forgotten certain things to be written in the mail, you can actually abort it. Once aborted, you can visit the draft within that 10 seconds time and make changes if required. Therefore, you can prevent sending any irrelevant data in your mail.
3. RSS Feeds –
RSS Feeds are yet another interesting Zimlet of Zimbra email hosting server, which collects listserv emails as well as news from the sites that you are most interested in. All those news feeds are collected, customized, and shown on the same page as the inbox. This feature helps users by saving their time in searching their favorite sites for news. Whether it is the RSS Feed emails or news, they all are available in different folders. However, you can include them in your search panel so that relevant news pop up while you are drafting content.
4. Salesforce –
Zimbra email hosting services provide Zimlets dedicated to Salesforce so that you are always on top of your business dealings. Therefore, you can now integrate email with the CRM data. Salesforce information highlights will now be available directly in your inbox. Right from the inbox you can write notes that will be included in your Salesforce account.
5. Multiple-Time Zones
One of the most important Zimlets provided by Zimbra email hosting is multiple time zones. In a globalized world where the clients are based in different geographical locations across the world, remembering time zones and the differences are a problem. This new Zimlet helps you with checking multiple time zones, thereby helping you to schedule meetings accordingly.