Can Cheap VPS Hosting India Help Small Businesses to Save Money?
How Are Cheap VPS Hosting India Plans Useful?
- Unlike tangible hardware in dedicated hosting, VPS hosting offers a virtual environment. So, you will not have to spend money on running and maintaining the hardware. As owner of small businesses you can save money on cooling systems, maintenance personnel, power supplies, hardware repairs etc. Moreover, since a single physical server can be compartmentalized to produce many virtual servers, hosts are able to offer multiple VPS to clients through a single server. In other words, they can offer these virtual servers for much lower prices which benefits small businesses.
- As far as their operations and damage control go, VPS servers are dynamic. For any business, small or big, data loss incidents can be hazardous. They must also focus on creating data backups to ensure business continuity. As compared to dedicated or shared servers, VPS servers are known to offer smarter DR solutions. Since the virtual server can be rebooted, one can restart it in safe mode in case there is a disaster. It also takes much less booting time compared to physical servers. The virtual server also offers less downtime for data recovery processes. This is why getting cheap VPS hosting India plans can be ideal for blog owners.
- Another huge advantage which small businesses may get from cheap VPS server hosting India packages is scalability on the go. Scaling up hardware in dedicated or shared hosting is a time-consuming process. But, in VPS hosting, you can scale your resources up and down on-the-go. You will not have to pay for overhead costs when you physically scale up resources. You can enjoy access to high memory and bandwidth plans.

- It cannot be denied that dedicated servers are the best when it comes to security. But smaller businesses may find it very hard to afford these costly servers. With limited budgets, cheap VPS hosting India plans seem to be the best bet. VPS servers can help you enjoy enhanced security without burning a hole in your pocket.
When choosing VPS plans, you will be expected to choose between Linux and Windows VPS hosting. The latter is a good choice when you run applications which use .net technology. Whatever you choose to install as your OS, you need to decide whether to opt for unmanaged VPS or managed VPS. I unmanaged hosting, you have t be responsible for managing the virtual servers and even troubleshooting problems if need be. So, it is perhaps easier for small companies to pay slightly more to get managed VPS solutions. This way the responsibilities of server administration will rest on the host. You can focus on developing your business instead of having to worry about mundane management tasks.
Zimbra Email Hosting – Can Zimlets Make a Difference in User Experience?

Now, let’s see how essential Zimlets can bring a difference in user experience regarding Zimbra email hosting.
There Are 5 Most Important Zimlets Available And They Are –
1. Attachment Alert –
This Zimlet is definitely a savior. It reminds users about the file they were supposed to attach along with the email but forgot to do so. The concerned Zimlet lets you know about it by sending you an email. This notification helps users by saving them from any kind of inconvenience as well as embarrassment. This notification email is sent to the user even before he/she has hit the send button.
2. Undo Send -
This is yet another useful Zimlet which helps you to abort a mail even after hitting the send button. The Zimlets hold all your emails for around 10 seconds. If you feel that something is not right in the mail or you have forgotten certain things to be written in the mail, you can actually abort it. Once aborted, you can visit the draft within that 10 seconds time and make changes if required. Therefore, you can prevent sending any irrelevant data in your mail.
3. RSS Feeds –
RSS Feeds are yet another interesting Zimlet of Zimbra email hosting server, which collects listserv emails as well as news from the sites that you are most interested in. All those news feeds are collected, customized, and shown on the same page as the inbox. This feature helps users by saving their time in searching their favorite sites for news. Whether it is the RSS Feed emails or news, they all are available in different folders. However, you can include them in your search panel so that relevant news pop up while you are drafting content.
4. Salesforce –
Zimbra email hosting services provide Zimlets dedicated to Salesforce so that you are always on top of your business dealings. Therefore, you can now integrate email with the CRM data. Salesforce information highlights will now be available directly in your inbox. Right from the inbox you can write notes that will be included in your Salesforce account.
5. Multiple-Time Zones
One of the most important Zimlets provided by Zimbra email hosting is multiple time zones. In a globalized world where the clients are based in different geographical locations across the world, remembering time zones and the differences are a problem. This new Zimlet helps you with checking multiple time zones, thereby helping you to schedule meetings accordingly.
How You Can Ensure Safety to Data with Cloud Backup Services
True, there are apprehensions about the safety of data on the cloud but on the contrary, the online services protect all your information with multi-layered security that could include data replication, encryption, and security to the servers.
Cloud backup services are much simpler and convenient than storing data in-house. Rather than use physical devices like DVDs, hard drives, or USB flash drives, you just take a copy and transfer the files in the cloud servers. Cloud is a network of interconnected servers, you can replicate and store your data in multiple servers. This ensures your data is available somewhere or the other enabling you to access it whenever you want. There is no need to invest on the external drives and hardware and you save plenty of space on your computers when you use online storage.
Superior to in-house backup:
When you store your files internally in your in-house systems, possibilities of losing the data are many. Hard disk going corrupt, system failure, accidental deletion, theft or any disaster can be a big misfortune causing severe losses. It becomes worse if you have not created a backup system for it. On the other hand, using cloud backup services will mean copying and storing your data on remote servers away from your business location. Even if there is some issue on your premises, your website will still be available and if there is a loss of data, it can be restored instantly.

There is no risk to your data when you use the cloud backup services. The complete information in the web pages is encrypted at source using 256-bit encryption technology. This ensures a higher layer of protection to all the files and applications when they are being transferred to the cloud servers. There is no way the data can be broken or deciphered. The files compressed before being transmitted which saves you considerable disk space. With server-side encryption, there is no way the data can be leaked.
How to select your services:
To take maximum advantage of the cloud technology, you need to buy your cloud backup services from a trusted provider. You must not choose anyone randomly or by reading the reviews/ testimonials. They are written by people who have benefitted from the services. However, there is no hard and fast rule that the provider will suit your needs. You must choose a provider that guarantees speed, uptime, and support. The storage must be scalable and you must be allowed to change your requirements based on business demands. The provider must be well-equipped with physical security at the data centers as per the regulations.
Choosing VPS Hosting India with Some Easy Tips

How to get your hands on the best VPS hosting India plans:
- To begin with, you have to understand your business requirement before you choose a VPS hosting India plan. This means having a good idea about the disk space, RAM, CPU etc which you need to boost your business. When you are a growing business and in an expansion mode, you have to choose VPS servers which can be scaled up if needed in the future.
- Before signing up for VPS hosting India plans, you also have to decide whether you wish to choose managed or unmanaged plans. Unmanaged hosting may be cheaper but only appropriate for those who have a technically proficient staff that can handle server administration matters. If you do not have a technically superior staff, you should pay more to get managed solutions. By doing this, you will not have to deal with the daily hassles of managing servers and troubleshooting server problems. The host will look into routine security updates, hardware upgrades and backups.
- Another important decision that you must take when choosing VPS hosting India plans is whether to get Linux hosting or Windows hosting. Linux plans are good for companies which use other open source platforms. Linux is cheaper being open-source and there are no licensing fees. But, companies with .Net applications need to opt for Windows VPS hosting because these will run in a Windows environment alone.
- Another important factor to look for is the reputation of the provider. You do not want to be stuck with a host which cannot guarantee round-the-clock support and monitoring facilities. The host should have a positive reputation which makes you confident about the quality of its services. You can opt for free trials with some providers to check for their response times and support services.
Using these important guidelines you can get VPS hosting India plans. Such plans are well suited for SMBs which lack the expertise or funds to afford dedicated hosting. They can choose VPS plans as the perfect step to get their feet wet first before they take the final plunge into dedicated hosting. this is because when you have a good VPS plan from a reputed and reliable provider, you can alwys scale it up or upgrade to a better plan as and when needed.
Why You Must Choose Cloud Backup Services
Many businesses have done the mistake of not taking the backup of their data seriously and have incurred huge losses in both reputation and money. You must not make such a blunder or there are the risks that you may require you to start again from the scratch.

Higher expenditure on an in-house backup system:
Traditional backup services require physical human effort. This will cause disruption in availability as human effort takes time. Also, investing in external drives, tapes etc can work out expensive. You must keep adding new storage devices each time new information is added. These devices are prone to wear and tear. Maintenance and accessories can add up to the costs. You will need space to store the devices. Cloud backup services will secure your applications and files. You can easily scale the requirements.
Frequent Outages:
Outages can create big interruptions that could It is often found that online businesses face frequent outages that could cause an interruption to availability. Your business cannot afford to lose important data be it about your services or client information. Data restoration can be faster in cloud backup services. You will not be losing any data even if there is an outage or disaster at your business premises since your data is all stored at off-premise locations.
Avoids deduplication:
You could be saving a lot of space and resources by utilizing the cloud-based backup services. There are some documents that are shared and saved by different employees in an organization. By automated storage, you could get to save the data only once. Possibilities of human errors are less in the cloud.
Scales with ease:
Data has been increasing tremendously. You must be prepared for it. Cloud backup services scale easily. There is no risk of losing data due to a shortage of space in the cloud. Scalability is one of the main features of the cloud that is attracting businesses. In case you find you do not require the space once the rush subsides, you can restore back to your original capacity saving money and resources. Since you pay only for the services you have consumed, you will not be paying for anything that you do not require.
There is a possibility of your losing your external device due to theft or by accident. Cloud backup services meet all security requirements and with high- level data encryption leaves no scope of misuse. Even if the data is intercepted, it will not make any sense to the fraudsters. You need not keep any paper documents which again can be misplaced or thrown away unintentionally risking misuse.
There could be many more similar benefits that may vary based on the individual use of an organization.
Fully Managed Dedicated Server Hosting - Ideal For Companies With Super Heavy Traffics Of Website Visitors
A dedicated server is a physical server which is dedicated to only one client. The complete computing resources of the server is used by that single client. All the websites and business files of the client is stored in that server. No one else can share the server and its computing resources. The dedicated server is the most powerful server for hosting websites.
Fully managed dedicated server hosting is the ideal choice for business organisations, who use resource intensive applications and sensitive business data. Fully managed dedicated server hosting provides optimum power to organisations who have consistent requirements of online presence with high traffic schedules. The clients have complete control over their fully managed dedicated servers with its resources and the underlying hardware.

Advantages of fully managed dedicated server hosting
- The resources of server in a managed dedicated server hosting is not shared with any one, and the full computing resources is available to the single client only.
- Managed dedicated server hosting provides optimum performance with top level security, for the client’s website with highest pressure of visitor’s traffic.
- A managed dedicated server hosting provides maximum flexibility to the client to allow her/him complete customising of the server to suit her/his business needs.
- Managed dedicated server hosting provides unique IP address to its client. This becomes especially useful when the client is running a large running e commerce website.
- Managed dedicated server hosting service provider takes care of the cost of the infrastructure and housing of the server equipment. So, the client is saved from the overhead expenses of purchasing and maintaining server equipment.
Linux Dedicated Server Hosting - best hosting solution for big companies
Linux is an operating system. Those dedicated server hosting which are on Linux operating systems are known as Linux dedicated server hosting. Linux is an open source software. Linux dedicate server hosting is the best solution for business organisations who are in search of reliable and strong dedicated server hosting at an affordable price. Linux Dedicated Server Hosting helps by accommodating growing requirements from the server and by supporting multiple data bases, such as SQL, PostgreSQL and MySQL. It also backs scripting languages such as Perl, C++ and PHP.
Is Signing Up for Cloud Backup a Smart Decision?

Main benefits of choosing cloud backup solutions:
1- Perhaps the biggest benefit of choosing cloud backup services is that it is highly convenient. Although businesses can easily store data in devices like hard drives and portable devices too like flash drives or pen drives, you will need to handle these on your own. But with online backup, the process is automated. Data is accessible no matter where you are located. Data also gets saved automatically as the information starts to come in. so, without worrying about data loss instances, you can focus on developing your business.
2- Since cloud vendors will deploy state-of-the-art techniques to store data such as data encryption, data compressions, duplication and disk-based backups, it is wise to choose professional cloud storage services. These will have certified data center facilities and round-the-clock monitoring. You will not have to be concerned with routine updates or upgrades or outdated technologies; the service provider is responsible for all these functions.
3- When you choose cloud backup, you get to save on capital expenses. You can rely on a provider to give you more resources without making upfront payments. You get to use the pay-as-you-use model whereby you can significantly minimize your backup costs and troubles. This ensures better management of operational costs.
4- Recovering data from tapes and drives is a cumbersome and lengthy process. But, when you recover files from the cloud storage services, it is faster and there is no need for it to be physically shifted from offsite locations. All files which must be retrieved can be identified and transferred over the WAN connection and this is both time saving and cost-friendly.
5- Cloud backup is obviously secure because data is protected against physical threats like calamities or accidents or thefts. Data gets stored in encrypted servers and this means data cannot get compromised. Even if by mistake data gets deleted there are multiple redundant servers which ensure that backups are made easily available.
6- Finally, data accessibility is very high with cloud backup solutions. For companies which lack funds to buy disaster recovery infrastructures or which lack expertise to handle these tasks, cloud backup services are very useful. The cloud will never have any one physical location; so, remote access is the biggest benefit of cloud backups.
These suggest why cloud backups are recommended for companies. This is a cost-effective move because costs are far lower than that of maintaining storage devices like drivers and servers, tapes and other hardware.
Decision Points for Fully Managed Dedicated Server Hosting
Fully Managed Dedicated server hosting
A full managed dedicated server hosting is a costly service. The whole management of the servers is done by a team of experts of the provider and you just have to focus on the business. The hosting team takes care of all aspects of server management- setting up the server, taking periodic back-ups, managing server load balancing, updating the server, ensuring all aspects of security of server and many more. It is the full responsibility of the service provider to ensure that the site continues to function without a glitch.
Why Communication Channels Hold Importance?
make this service successful, the provider has to give total communication
support to the customer. Most often the multiple channels of communication
remain open for this purpose. A round-the-clock support further ensures that
client work is not affected at all. These channels ensure that all
server-related requests of the client are executed in time.
Who Needs Fully Managed Dedicated Server Hosting?
This service is best taken by those individuals or organizations that do not have the required expertise to manage the server. Most often there is a need for a team of server experts who can manage both the hardware and the software. Not all business have own teams of server managers. Therefore, they are not likely to add more cost and then have the additional task of managing them as well. Instead, they would be more willing to entrust this task to the service providers who have the expertise of doing it.
Windows or Linux- Which Hosting to Choose?
Yet another decision to take is with respect to the nature of hosting. There are invariably two options present: either a Windows-based or a Linux-based one. The Linux dedicated server hosting is considered to be more secure than the Windows based one. This is also a cheaper alternative to the otherwise expensive Windows hosting because a lot of paid software and applications need to be installed and then regularly updated.
Linux hosting is the most preferred one by the organizations because of these reasons. There are various plans which are provided by the server hosting companies. While there is no limitation of storage or bandwidth, there might be a need to consider the RAM, processing power and performance related configuration setting for these servers.
Another important consideration could be whether to opt for the third-party colocation services or not. These services are offered by companies who offer renting of space for your servers. So, when you buy a dedicated server machine, you can have the choice of either placing it with a colocation hosting provider or with the fully managed dedicated hosting service provider. Colocation service providers are best suitable when these are close to your place of working and you have a team of experts to manage it.
Why are Cloud Servers in India Preferred to Traditional Servers?
What advantages will you get from cloud servers in India?
- Cloud
servers in India are
advantageous because additional resources can be obtained in real time.
So, cloud hosting turns out to be very useful for businesses which witness
sudden traffic spikes during certain specific times of the year. It is
also useful for businesses that have unpredictable traffic demands, making
it very hard to predict resources in advance.
- What makes cloud servers in India preferable to traditional servers is
its cost-effectiveness. When you choose to sign up for cloud hosting, you
will not have to buy new hardware for storage; nor will you have to hire
staff to maintain the servers. Moreover, your ongoing expenses are also
reduced as most cloud vendors follow a utility pricing structure where you
only pay for resources you use, and nothing else. So, businesses are free
to scale up the resources when demands are high and scale these down when
demands have reduced.
- With cloud hosting in India, it
is also possible to modify software to cater to your business specific
needs. So, you can even change the OS kernel, something that is not always
possible with traditional physical servers. Any software issue is kept
isolated so that it does not end up affecting other servers. So, when you
choose cloud servers in India, your businesses will not get affected
because of malicious activities or technical issues in other servers. This
is a common issue when you buy shared hosting plans where there are multiple
sites sharing the same server. Even if the cloud servers tend to get
overloaded because of other site users, there will no change in your
servers because you have dedicated resources that guarantee complete
- Cloud servers will also not experience
typical hardware problems which is common in the case of traditional
servers. They are always fast, secure and stable. They are also more
cost-effective compared to physical servers. For almost the same rate, you
can get many more resources with these virtual servers.
- Another important reason why cloud servers in India find many
takers is because these are environment friendly. You can reduce carbon
footprints because energy consumption is less in cloud hosting. At the
same time, it gives you business the extra edge to push ahead of its
- With cloud servers in India, you can also enjoy better
collaboration among employees in the workplace. This also enables
employees to work on the same project even when they are not in the same
location. Information gets synced across different devices and workers can
enjoy real time updates.
- Finally, what makes cloud servers more popular is because data recovery is easy through these solutions. Big businesses have to spend a huge amount of money in carrying out regular backups manually. Smaller businesses are not as lucky because they lack funds for such a time-consuming and expensive task. But, with cloud servers, data can be stored in remote servers that are completely secure from natural calamities and accidents like fire outbreaks.
5 Reasons for You to Choose Business Cloud Storage
As a business owner, you must be seeking a secure and affordable storage for your data. It is understandable that you want the best services with minimal investment and low overheads. Based on the trends going on, the business cloud storage is your best bet and an ideal solution.
There are lots of cloud vendor, however, not all their services are similar. So, it is vital that you understand your business needs and choose a provider accordingly. Their services may cost higher, never mind, with the benefits you reap, you will find the fee you pay to be a worthy investment.
Cloud technology is the cheapest option:
The alternatives that you have, to the cloud storage, are hosting in an in-house storage machine using the traditional hardware components or host in a third-party data center both of which are not only expensive but as well are outdated, unfeasible, and slower in today’s fast-paced technological world. You will be left far behind if you do not consider the business cloud storage services from a reliable and efficient provider.
An in-house data
center will require huge investments in infrastructure and even a minor lapse
in safety or security will result in huge disasters bringing your business to a
standstill and you will have to start all over again. Colocating to a
third-party hosting company is another option although businesses these days
are finding business cloud storage a more viable choice over the traditional
hardware hosting. Easily accessible and
safe with low operational costs:
Business cloud storage works as a perfect solution to the organizations that seek a secure platform to store their confidential applications and share it among their internal resources to collaborate better. It comes as a very cost-effective option not only for storing information but as a safe and easily accessible one as well.
You can store any type of application on the cloud. You can access them from any location and share any data you input with your colleagues and employees. This improves the efficiency of your business as work can continue to go on and you can take important decisions for your employees to follow, even if you are away from your office. On-field employees can update their reports from wherever they are and share it with the in-house staff while working on a common project saving you money and time.
No maintenance responsibilities:
The cloud providers have their servers in remote locations across the globe. You cannot access or maintain them. The providers take the responsibility of all the hardware as well as software management. Server upgrades, security patches, software updates, component replacements and any other similar service that improves the performance of the server is provided by your business cloud storage provider. So, this will leave you with more resources and time to manage your core business applications. You also are saved on the expenditure of having to procure hardware components in spare as well as on purchasing any software licenses.
Automatic backup:
This is a vital requirement. Your provider must offer automated backups that allow you to schedule a backup for all your data. Business cloud storage providers, generally, duplicate your data and store it at different locations. Even if data goes corrupt at one point or is lost due to some disaster like fire/ floods etc, your business continues to run from the other machines and you can restore the data in quick time.
The business cloud storage provider encrypt syour data while still in your machines so that no cybercriminal can try to intercept and misuse the information being stored. The storage like other cloud services is scalable and comes with safety precautions like firewalls, anti-malware scans and meeting the standards norms laid down by the various bodies.
Why The Demand For A Good Cloud Hosting Provider Is On Such A High
So, what is Cloud computing?
It is utilizing the internet to outsource and perform tasks that,earlier, usually happened on a personal computing machine over to a wide network of interconnected servers, which are collectively known as the cloud.
In earlier times, a user had to purchase software and hardware, and then put in a sizable investment in cooling, wiring, and power facilities. And as if all that wasn’t enough, they also had to hire tech experts to manage the whole affair.
Enters the cloud - it simplifies it all by running all these programs on the internet via the huge network of servers. This saves the user a whole lot of money, time, and effort.
Rain of advantages
Cloud offersstupendous flexibility and scalability. Whenever required, the client can scale up immediately on the back of the enormous cache of resources available to them on an on-demand basis.
Not just that, it is not as if they have to store these resources. When they are through, these resources can be flown back into the cloud.
The type of billing is pay as you go, quite like how it is done for utilities. So, there are no spare resources lying around, gathering dust.
The services of a Cloud Hosting Provider come in handy when the client wants to save data not just in-house at their disposal anytime, but also with a third party for the purpose of anytime, anywhere retrieval.
Most companies require a simple storage system which involves a single server. But the case is different for large organizations that would have complex needs. They might have to depend on a system that requires hundreds of servers connected via a master control server.
Today, a large number of businesses are going in for cloud storage services. This move offers several benefits. The very first advantage is the fast and easy retrieval of data. Since with an internet connection, one is able to access their files from anywhere and at any time, the need to carry the same physical machine or data storage device to accessit is eliminated.
Yet another advantage of the cloud is the boost to the infrastructural services of the business. Let’s take an example here - say the development team of your business requires a huge amount of storage space to try out a new project.The cloud can provide it to them instantly, saving them a lot of time and effort. Not just that, the IT team does not have to manage the storage system and can concentrate completely on various complex application issues.
All these advantages optimally increase the agility and reach of a business and provide a truly global scale to it.
Is There Any Reason To Use Dedicated Server Over Cloud Hosting?
Here are the reasons why you should still choose dedicated server over cloud hosting –
• Performance of the servers matter and the most essential aspect of hosting services
When a business calculates the performance provided by a server on the basis of per currency unit (say, per rupees), dedicated server is still the best. There is still no hosting solution that can surpass the performance standard of a dedicated server which is properly configured. This becomes that more relevant and glaring when it comes to disk IO. When cloud systems are used, it must be kept in mind that the underlying storage as well as the network are shared among customers. Therefore, there can be significant unpredictability of the disk I/O due to this shared nature.
A business entity with a cloud system may face slowdown if large amount of write requests are sent to the storage array by another customer. Bottlenecks can be experienced byte user if upstream network is shared. When cloud or VPS is used for fixing problems related to performance, the issues usually found is generally disk IO related ones. Within the cloud framework, they are not fixable. This must be kept in mind that most of the cloud vendors are not able to provide faster storage but more storage. You can’t really scale up disk IO. However, with most cloud vendors, you can scale up both Ram and CPU.
This is where cheap dedicated servers in India come handy and with better performance. A single dedicated server that comes with RAID 10 will outperform complex as well as costly cloud offerings, if the operations are relatively simple in nature.

• Redundancy matters
Many people think that clouds are inherently redundant in nature. However, this is not true in entirety. It can be easily said that inherent redundancy of servers are nothing but misconception. In case of cloud computing service, a node is generally not at all more reliable than a dedicated hosting solution. The compute node in case of cloud computing is simply a commodity server without storage. If that node is not existent, it means that the workload is also not there. When you come to a dedicated server, this case can be seen in a similar manner during the failure of power supply.
Hence, it can be said that with regards to redundancy, both clouds and dedicated hosting are on the same pedestal. However, many believe that in this count, dedicated servers are more reliable because of the simple fact that the clouds are basically more complex and at the same time less transparent. In fact, clouds may require more time to set-up, monitor, and maintain. Therefore, Linux or Windows dedicated server hosting is more preferable than cloud systems.
These are the two major reasons why you should choose cheap dedicated servers in India than a cloud hosting solution.
Can Data Centers Get Affected By Use Of Lithium Ion Batteries?
Data centers in India are always evolving so that the businesses are able to provide better experience to their users and ultimately the consumers get benefitted at least cost. In fact, all the businesses want to have an edge over others to get the leverage. With the advent of cloud hosting solution, faster content delivery has become possible. This has benefitted all sectors – be it financial institutions, retailers, digital education, or else. To be on the same footing with these evolving technologies, the requirements regarding bandwidth, space, and cooling is also changing. In fact, these changes are also leading to newer requirements regarding power. When the word “power” is used, the perceived notion is that the traditional power sources and their usages are talked about. However, here in this article, other power sources will be discussed such as batteries.
Batteries As We Know
A traditional battery stores a specific amount of energy, which is released at an appropriate time. It is universal no matter whether the same is working a flashlight or an effective bridge with the requirements of an auxiliary power source. Ask any professional and he/she will tell how underperformance is affecting their work. Same is the case for infrastructure of data center in India too. Whether you ask a manager, user, or owner, they all will say in unison that there is always a need of improving energy storage solution for data centers or server colocation services .
When it comes to critical data center usages, it has been seen that the most common form of energy source is the uninterruptible power system that has been paired with the traditional lead-acid batteries. This provides these data centers brief ride-through time that can support the data center activities for limited time period, especially during outages or emergencies.
While searching for a viable solution
to traditional batteries, a new technology has evolved and it is lithium ion
Are Lithium Ion Batteries Better Alternative to Traditional Batteries?
In the entire power chain of a data center in India or other places of the world, traditional lead-acid batteries are considered as weak links. For supporting a modern day data center facility long strings of batteries are required. Not only there is a requirement of long string of batteries for proper support but also their heavy and high maintenance. In fact, there always remains a possibility of frequent replacement. To alleviate these pain points, many innovations have taken place whether it is in the field of service, management, or monitoring. However, they come with additional cost.
To do away with these pain points, there has been a need for batteries that are more reliable, smaller in size, easily replaceable, have longer life, come with longer shelf life, have lesser weight, and can accommodate higher temperatures. This is where effectiveness of lithium ion batteries comes handy and fills up the yawning gap between requirement and availability. These advanced batteries are able to meet all the listed features that do away with the pain points of traditional batteries.
It should said at the very onset that all kinds of lithium-ion batteries are not the same. They are of different types and they are –
· Li-titanate
· Li-aluminum
· Li-phosphate
· Li-manganese
· Li-cobalt
Out of these variants Li-manganese variant come with more power. However, they have less capacity. When compared with the Li-cobalt one, these Li-manganese variants are of more power. They are mixed with NMC for performance improvement.
No matter how different these variants are from one another it should be said that they are far better than the traditional ones, which ultimately provide more energy to the data centers in India.
Finding Data Centers in India
Maintaining private data centers
turns out to be quite a costly affair for most small and medium sized
enterprises. For them, choosing data
centers in India to house their servers is the best option available. Server colocation providers will not
only offer businesses the space they need to place their servers, they will
also offer these cooling systems, power supplies, bandwidth, security, and
support. So, when choosing data centers
in India, there are many important factors that deserve consideration.
to find data centers in India:
- One of the first
things to consider when looking for data
centers in India is their geographical location. To avoid disasters, you
need to make sure these are not located in areas which are prone to floods or
earthquakes. Moreover, they should not be at such a distance from your business
that you cannot send staff to the location in time. During emergencies, it is
important to be able to transport your IT staff to these locations to deal with
the crisis without delays.
- The data centers in India that you choose
should have network carrier availability. This means that equipments which the
colocation provider offers should be in a position to communicate with any
device across the world. Companies therefore must have excellent fiber
connectivity and your data center should have multiple carrier options for
redundancy. When a data centers lacks proper connectivity, it becomes useless.
- Power demands from data centers in India are going to rise
with every passing day. This is why it is very important to ensure that the
data center you have chosen is equipped to provide additional power when
needed. It should have abundant power supplies to cater to the rise in demands.
- While data centers in India may be located in
small cities, there must be ample train and flight connections to them. This is
to ensure that if needed, businesses can fly their personnel for technical
supports during outages.
- Along with creating
jobs for construction, a data center should also make placement opportunities
for qualified and experienced personnel. So, IT managers have to look into the
local talent pool as they are searching for quality data center services.
- Before you choose to
sign up for colocation anywhere in India, you must consider the physical
security of these facilities. Data centers will house critical data and they
must therefore be well protected against hackers and security threats, both
inside and from outside.
- When choosing data
centers in India, you must also check how geographically hospitable the area
is. When you find that there are many colocation centers in a certain region,
chances are that power supplies there are good. Climate and environment also
play an equally crucial role when it comes to choosing data centers. Places
having moderate climates are preferred.
- Finally, you need to
check how financially stable a company is before you sign up for colocation hosting. You will not wish to spend a fortune on buying colocation plans if you
are not sure the company will be around in the next few years. So, you should
look for client feedbacks and read online press reports and financial reports
to see how viable it is.
These are some of the parameters
which a company needs to take into account when selecting data centers in India. Data centers can help you save a lot of
money because you do not have to pay for data storage or maintenance of your
servers. You can count on power supplies and air-conditioning systems provided
by your colocation host.
How to Get the Best Web Hosting Service India
How to choose a good web hosting service India provider:
- When you are looking for a host, it is important to understand your business requirements first and then choose a provider accordingly. The host you choose should be able to offer you shared and dedicated hosting and VPS hosting India plans. It is better to choose a host that offers its clients a free trial version.
- A good way to be sure you have a quality web host is to check for client feedbacks and online reviews about its performance. Your host should boast of excellent technical support teams that can guarantee round-the-clock assistance whenever you need it. This will ensure that your technical problems are resolved without delays
- When you are looking for the best web hosting service India, you must choose a company which offers you reasonable hosting plans. You should ideally compare the hosting packages offered by multiple providers before deciding on any one.
- Your host should offer you user-friendly control panels so that you can create and edit your site without seeking external help. It should allow you to create multiple domains and sub-domains, FTP and email accounts and handle multiple databases.
- It should offer you a high degree of scalability so that you can get additional resources like extra hardware and bandwidth whenever there is a need for them.
Using these criteria, you can choose a reliable web host. Before signing up with any provider, you should review their Service Level Agreements or SLA very carefully to be aware of their guarantees and compensations.
How to Choose Cloud Hosting Services in India
When choosing cloud hosting services in India, you can make use of some easy tips. To begin with, it is important to evaluate your own business needs before signing up with a cloud hosting provider. You will not want to spend money or time on hosting solutions that will ultimately not benefit your business goals.
- When choosing a provider, it is also recommended that you opt for one that gives its clients a free trial period.
- You must also ensure that it offers round-the-clock technical support so that all technical problems are resolved without delay.
- It should also offer the load balancing feature whereby there will always be backups ready in case any server malfunctions.
- The provider should allow you to scale your resources up whenever there are sudden traffic spikes.
- A hybrid cloud hosting provider India will let you keep your mission-critical applications and sensitive data in the private cloud while storing your non-sensitive data in the public cloud. They will ensure that there is complete orchestration between the private and public clouds to benefit businesses looking for more security advantages.
Finally, your choice of a provider will also depend on the degree of security it offers. You need to ensure that your cloud hosting provider in India adopts comprehensive security measures to avoid any kind of breach.
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What Are Cloud Servers And Other Questions You Need To Find Answers To?
- Public Hosting Plans: Public hosting is when a large cloud server space is shared among users. The resources are limited and privacy could be compromised owing to the fact that the platform is shared by many.
- Hybrid Cloud Hosting Plans: If a company outgrows a public cloud hosting plan, he can then shift to hybrid cloud hosting. Also known as virtual private hosting, hybrid cloud hosting. Here a server is divided into independent compartments and provided for hosting. It is called hybrid because it is a blend between private and public hosting.
- Private Cloud hosting: Private or dedicated hosting is when a single server is used for hosting data.
Tips For Choosing The Best Cloud Dedicated Server India For Your Business Needs

How to Select a Private Cloud Hosting Provider India Company
- The private cloud caters to one organization only and offers very high levels of security. This is contrast to the public cloud model which services multiple enterprises which can access the resource pool across the Internet.
- The private cloud gets resources from a resource pool of multiple physical servers but they can be hosted either externally or internally; they may be accessed through secure encrypted connections of privately leased lines.